Tuesday, March 24, 2009

What I've Learned...........

I have recently had the opportunity to learn that people say things to you; just get a rise out of you! Well, I have this to say! Really... I don't care what you say about me; because guess what I'm not a part of your life anymore. Your thoughtless words will never hurt me. They actually make me laugh at your stupidity.

If you think for one second that I'm gonna believe what you say you have another thing coming! I have family and friends and more that know I care and love with my whole heart. So go ahead ripe me to shreds; I will still be here to laugh at you! I'm not kidding try me!

I know who I am and it's not "heartless" that's for sure!

Their are many others that care about me and have nothing but nice things to say and they will out shine you anyday of the week!