Tuesday, March 31, 2009


I will be closing comments for awhile. I have accumlated a stalker. This person writes nasty, rude, crude comments about me and my children. Don't worry this person is from another state. I just want it to stop. It is annoying; everytime I post he comes on and writes something awful. The messages don't hurt me; don't worry. They are just annoying. I know who I am and he doesn't hurt me. I just plead that he stops and moves on with his life; that's all:) No worries!

New camera!

I finally got a new camera today! YAY!! My friend and I went out and grabbed me a new camera; while Haylee was in preschool today. I LOVE IT! I can't wait to start taking pictures of my favorite subjects; my kiddos! Be looking for new pictures very soon:)

Thursday, March 26, 2009

My camera.

Well... I would love to post some new pictures. However, Haylee says Bennett threw my camera away! Yup, you heard me threw away my camera IN THE TRASH! I have no way of recovering it now. So until I buy a new one no pictures. I hope to have a new one soon. I would love to post new pictures of the kids; they are growing up too fast!

So, it's not that I'm just busy. It's that I don't even have a camera to just post pictures.

I will post new pictures as soon as I can!
Love to all.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Thank you.

Thank you for bringing me flowers to brighten my day. It surely did! Thanks for being you! You are the best! I'm ready to move past this horrible day; FINALLY!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

What I've Learned...........

I have recently had the opportunity to learn that people say things to you; just get a rise out of you! Well, I have this to say! Really... I don't care what you say about me; because guess what I'm not a part of your life anymore. Your thoughtless words will never hurt me. They actually make me laugh at your stupidity.

If you think for one second that I'm gonna believe what you say you have another thing coming! I have family and friends and more that know I care and love with my whole heart. So go ahead ripe me to shreds; I will still be here to laugh at you! I'm not kidding try me!

I know who I am and it's not "heartless" that's for sure!

Their are many others that care about me and have nothing but nice things to say and they will out shine you anyday of the week!

Monday, March 23, 2009

My Birthday in Pictures.....

One too many drinks playing Moose hook em' horns and Apples to Apples. A Super FUN night!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

My Birthday..

This is the short version. I will have pictures posted of pry me only unless; I get permission of the others that were there. I had a great day starting off with sleeping in till 10:30am. Yes the kids slept that late and Bennett stayed asleep till 12:30pm!

So when I got up Haylee made me breakfast. Cinnamon sugar toast and she delieverd it to me. Total surprise, and boy was it good!

Then that evening, I had several friends over and we played drinking games and then Apples to Apples. Apples to Apples is so much fun when your not serious about it! It was so funny! Especially when we pulled our spicy cards out. AM I right ladies???!! That was HILARIOUS! We all had a great time.

Sorry, I haven't posted much! I started working and school. Plus I have the kiddos and housework to do. It's a lot to handle right now but, I'm trying to manage:) I know many other single moms that do it. So if they can do it. I KNOW I can!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I'm so EXCITED!!

Guess what I get to do.....I'm changing my last name back to my maiden name! I can't wait. It was a personal decision. All be it the best one I could have made! I feel so much more FREE now; than I did! If you knew the ends and outs you would agree! It's for the BEST!!!!!! I can't wait to have my identity back! Just wanted to share:)

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

First day of my new job!

I had my first day at my new job! I LOVED it! I trained with a super cool lady. For the most part it was fun! I mean it is a job and all. Although, I LOVED it and the time flew. I LOVED that we get to visit with residents as I am a talker! So FUN!

They all seemed to relish in the fact that my Great Aunt had lived there. Everywhere I went I heard," You are so so's Great niece!" It was cool! It is really fun listening to the stories they all have about her! They all said they could see that I resembled my Great Aunt. Everyone did! Just cool! Like I have a past to live up too. I could never live up to who she was. She was a person who dressed and match everything! I'm not kidding down to the earrings and shoes. Since I'm not a big jewelry person I'll never live up to that. Although I can say, I LOVE you Great Aunt!

I also wanted to say thank you to a dear friend who is watching the kids for me. I felt safe leaving them. I didn't even give it a second thought. I was surprised after going back to work after 2 years that I wasn't sad to leave them. I think the reason is because I knew they were in Amazing hands! Thank you again!

Haylee and I :)

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Guess What!

Well. I got the job!!!! I'm so excited; I start in the morning! YAY!! Seriously the more I look back; the more I realize how much I've grown as a person,a Mom, daughter and friend etc. I am TRUELY HAPPY now!!! So many things are working in my favor now. More than ever! I'm in school; I have a job and I have the LOVE of my friends and family! How much better does it get than that??!!

Each and everyday I feel more free than the last and that is a feeling I cannot describe. I've tried! Just know, I'm happy and blessed as all get out right now. Although... it hasn't been easy I AM!


Sunday, March 8, 2009

This is a real Craig's List post!

need to replace ur ugly ass chair? I have one you can use! - $10 (omaha)

So you have an ugly ass yellow chair in your living room, that you have probably been hanging on to since the 70's... and you want a new ugly ass chair to replace it with!?! well good news!!!! I have just the ugly ass chair for you!!!! It may smell kinda funny, but next to that antique trunk you use to store your entire VHF movie collection... you wont even notice it's unique fowl smells!

You can use this horrid reclyner to sit back in your own lazy cloud of helplessness while you rock out to the latest Rock Band tracks! Or use it for the kids to jump off of and break your ceiling fan! So many things can be done with this outdated over used under stuffed piece of german made shit!!!!!!! Maybe your cats would like a new place to leave 18 pounds of hair!!!! Or use it for your laundery instead of a basket!!!!! Just get it out of my house!

A kitchen Table!!!

I got an awesome deal on Craig's List! Check it out! I LOVE IT! It's perfect!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

You mean the Most to me!

I have had my family and friends really step into my life; to help me in this new book in my life. They have made sure that each and everyday I feel loved and taken care of. They are the BEST. You are all like family to me. I would do anything for you. You have been my rock, my heart and, my healers! I don't even want to think where I would be without you.

I have grown as a person in more ways than one. I am and have slowly started to make my way back to the "REAL ME!" Some may not like it but; maybe you haven't experienced the love and caring I have at this time in my life where I needed it the most! This is what makes me do anything I can for my family and friends, I LOVE YOU!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


I signed up for the cure search walk today! I'm very passionate about this. As stated in my earlier blog. I have a link. If you would like to support one of the most important causes out there here is my link!

After all, our children are our future. They deserve to be helped. They deserve the chance to be in remission and cured. Do you know it takes 5 years for a child with cancer to be considered cured! 5 YEARS! That means, monthly blood draws and many others tests that these kids and their families go thru! Please consider a donation! No matter how small it does help! I promise you! Your generosity means more than you'll ever know!

Here is part of the email I received from my good friends about Alex.

"On December 6, 2007, we were told our child had cancer. Things started moving quickly with tests and biopsies and central line placement and then…chemo. We were thrown into this world known as cancer and knew very little about it. We are forever changed. We met some wonderful young people throughout our cancer journey. Some of them made it to remission, others relapsed, and some did not make it to celebrate another birthday; they had earned their angel wings. The treatment either did not work or they became too ill due to its side effects. This is in part why we are writing to you.

We can’t lose any more children to this dreaded disease. There is a way you can help. Curesearch.org is an organization devoted to helping find cures for childhood cancers. CureSearch is the only organization that gives all funds directly for childhood cancer research. Some potential protocol for various types of cancers are sometimes even tried on children first, so you may be helping find cures that you or someone you love may rely on in the future."

Thank you for reading~
Love to all!


'May today there be peace within. May you trust that you are exactly where you are meant to be. May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are
born of faith in yourself and others. May you use the gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you. May you be content with yourself just the way you are. Let this knowledge settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love. It is there for each and every one of us.'

Monday, March 2, 2009

Who I am.....

I feel the need to write to let my readers know the type of person I am. I am the type that wears her heart on her sleeve. I love with my whole heart and I put my whole heart into everything I do! I have been hurt in ways that some will NEVER understand or could even try too. It's not anything against anyone but some will simply never understand.

I am the type of person that wants to help everyone out that I can. I helped put a fundraiser together for a SPECIAL little boy who was sick! It was an amazing experience but also a wonderful feeling. I LOVE that little man! I'm crying just thinking about what he had to go thru! WE HAVE TO CURE CHILDHOOD CANCER! Bottom line! I am so blessed to know him and I would love to be just like him! AMAZING! Also he has been in remission for over a year now! He is the toughest, smartest coolest kid I've ever met! " I Wanna Be Like Alex!"

I have a very sensitive side. Well... it's not a side; it's me. I'm try so hard to be a strong person but sometimes I fall short because of my own sensitivities.

I am kind hearted caring, trusting, and honest person as well. I can't stand anyone who lies. They don't bowed well with me. The reason is because I want and feel like I should be able to trust a lot of people and when I'm lied too; I feel violated. That I can;t trust and I want and need to feel like I can trust people.

I am a hard worker as well. I'm a stay at home mom currently. We all know that is one of the toughest jobs there is. This will be changing very soon. Which is sad. I want to be with my kids. Although I understand I have to work now too! I will be cherishing every minute I have with them a ton more; I'm sure.

I might be getting a job at an assisted living home. Which I would LOVE! I think I will be great at it; because I LOVE people and want to help them. I'm very excited and I pray I get this job.

I try everyday to in still values in my children everyday. Even when I am struggling; I still want to help and I show my kids the same. I want them to know the importance of helping people that can;t help themselves. I can't wait till my kids are older and I can really show them like taking items that they need to the food bank or homeless shelters. Or giving to children from homeless families for Christmas. I want my children to understand what it feels like to do without. Not in a bad way; but that their is a reason they don't get every toy they want. Just because they want it. They need to learn that lesson.

I also believe strong in God and Church! I had my God moment a few months back and I learned he is in my life and walks with me in my daily life. I always believed in him. It's just a different feeling now then I had. I wrote a blog about you'll have to look it up!

On the other side, I am very sarcastic and funny. I also love to have a good time. I'm currently learning what it means to cut lose for the sake of fun! I'm LOVING that! I never use to go out or do anything. I was a homebody. Now, I'm the opposite. It feels good too:)

So that is just a little about me as a person and a Mom. I hope you enjoyed it. I do accept comments; but you just have to sign your name to them; for them to be posted!

My life is turning into a whole new book! One is over and I'm looking forward to the outcome. I know it 's gonna be a lot of blood sweat and tears but I am ready.

Sunday, March 1, 2009



It's been awhile....

Sorry I have been majorly busy! I have been doing a lot of things that will determine my future. I might be getting a job. Thankfully with this economy! I start school on Thursday night; which a little scary; although exciting! I went and designed a house I've been looking at. Nothing is set in stone or anything yet. I have been using my days off with the kids to run a bunch of errands and getting things done for school and things set up for my new chapter! I also have to start packing! UGH!

SO... this weekend I took a brake and had a great weekend. Maybe a little too much fun! Just kidding I had a BLAST!! I laughed so hard on Friday night that my stomach hurt ALL DAY Saturday! I'm totally not kidding! You can even ask the people I was with I was dying! I think it must have been a LONG time since I have laughed like that; TOO LONG!!! Thanks to some FRIENDS! Who remain nameless!

Anyways! I just wanted to get back to everyone and say; " I'm better everyday, by the grace of GOD and my dear family and friends! You are the best and you know who you are:)