Friday, January 30, 2009

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Well I got it!

Yes....the stomach flu! Yup, in the middle of the night I got sick. Then it got worse and worse to the worst. I knew I had to go to the hospital but how would I get there? I thought by squad! But I didn't want pay that bill! I didn't want to get anyone sick either! So...I drove myself AGAIN; just like I did when I thought I was in labor with Bennett. I didn't want to bother anyone. So with contractions 3 minutes apart I made my way to the hospital in morning rush hour traffic! Still can't believe I did that!

Anyways! So... I drove myself and I when I got there they were a tad shocked I drove myself! I looked grey and I was just about blacking out everytime I got up or lifted my head! YES... THAT BAD! Nothing... like 2 liters of fluid and some anti nausea medicine; to get me to look alive again! Thankfully, my Mom came and picked up the kids in the morning when they got up. I needed help! My Mom is the BEST!

So... people RUN HOME and don't leave your house! This is the worst virus!

Monday, January 26, 2009

My Poor Babies.

She is SO TIRED!

If you know my Haylee she never just lays around!
Bennett still trying to play!
They are both extremely sick. They have a virus that is an off and on t
type. When you think they are better. They vomit again. So sad! Please pray for my precious babies and for me that I don't get it!
I was so lucky to have my Uncle bring us 7up and Lysol. I felt helpless. Two sick kids; their was no way I would take them out. I don't even do that when they have bad coughs. I just never want them to get anyone else sick!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

From a Friend:)

'To get something you never had, you have to do something you never did.' When God takes something from your grasp, He's not punishing you, but merely opening your hands to receive something better. 'The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.'

I recieved this in an e-mail and thought of you! You are destined for great things! Take hold of your future and never look back...


P.S. I am so thankful for what the Lord has already done for me and I can't wait to see what is next!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

I'm Ready!

I'm so ready for my new life to begin. I knew 2009 would be hard and good at the same time; although I never knew I would be in the spot I am in now! Meaning Happy and ready to move forward and see what the GOOD LORD has in store for me. Each day just gets easier and better and happier. Friends are coming full circle and life is finally making sense. There is something bigger and brighter for me out there:)

From and old entry!
There comes a point in your life when you realize: Who matters, Who never did, Who won't anymore... And who always will. So, don't worry about people from your past, there's a reason why they didn't make it to your future.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Craft Night!

New Look!

The blog just got a makeover! I figured since my hair is blonde again and I have new glasses it was time to face lift my page a little too! Enjoy:) I will post pictures of my new glasses soon:)


Well we went to the Doctor last night. Which by the way, she's so AWESOME! Anyways! When we got there Bennett had a fever of 103.5! OMG!!! He's never had one that high!

He was then tested for strep and that came back negative. Then he was tested for the flu and RSV?!?!?!?! Thankfully, both were negative. We would have been headed to the Hospital if it was the FLU! The Ped also said that she was really surprised that he didn't have the flu with how he looked!

Come to find out his throat was awful, his sinuses nasty and ears; of course that's a given!So we were sent home on some medicine. Poor guy! He still has the high fever to boot! Poor Benny. Please say a prayer that he gets better soon.


Thursday, January 22, 2009

My Poor Benny Boy!

Bennett is not feeling well. He has a fever and when asked says he doesn't feel well! It's the saddest thing ever. I am taking him into the peds office in the next half hour. She squeezed us into the end of her day. I LOVE her she's the best now hopefully Bennett will be getting a good night sleep! For almost a week he has been fussy and doesn't want to sleep it has made for some LATE NIGHTS! Oh well, that's being a parent! I wouldn't trade it for the world. Although I would trade that he wouldn't be as sick as he is. Please pray that everything goes well at the peds office. My Poor Benny BOO BOO BOO!

Monday, January 19, 2009


Well.... it feels as though the Red Sea is parting. I'm doing really well. I have my family and my friends and they are AMAZING!! Life is good. I can actually say," I'm HAPPY!" I know 2009 has stuff in place for me and I can't wait. It will be an adventure..but one I am looking forward to in a HUGE way! It's exciting a NEW chapter in my life. One where I can be who I am and who I strive to be! Thank you for all the support your love and guidance is what is helping me to see the light. Like God said," Let there be Light!" I am so LUCKY to be surrounded with such wonderful people that have HUGE HEARTS!! I will flourish...I WILL! With your help; I WILL!


Sunday, January 18, 2009

More of the new look!


I love the hair!! You ROCK girl!! Blond is your color, and remember what they say: "Blonde's have more fun!"

There will be some tough times ahead for you Lindsey, we all have them. But remember that there are also many, many brighter days ahead for you too. YOU ARE BLESSED, AND STRONGER THAN YOU THINK!! Keep moving forward! My dear friend, I love you!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Check out the new look!

Someone decided that Lindsey needed to go in and get a highlight and new cut so here it is...............

Thursday, January 15, 2009

My Little Photographer.....

He would smile when he would take a picture of Haylee ADORABLE!

Sticker Chart!

We use sticker charts all the time. Now I made a better one; to get Haylee more excited about doing the things she needs to on the chart! Check out the picture I think it worked...look how excited she is.............

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Love you!

I was sent this email from a dear friends that I've known for several years! Thank you! You are dear to my heart and I LOVE YOU TOO!

God doesn't give you the people you want, He gives you the people you NEED. To help you, to hurt you, to leave you, to love you and to make you into the person you were meant to be..

Dear God:

The lady reading this is beautiful, classy and strong, and I love her. Help her live her life to the fullest. Please promote her and cause her to excel above her expectations.. Help her shine in the darkest places where it is impossible to love. Protect her at all times, lift her up when she needs you the most, and let her know when she walks with you, she will always be safe.
Love you!

Look at this picture!!

Oh my Baby Boy is a BIG BOY!!! He went to bed without his Mum-Mum! He hasn't even asked for it. Usually most of our conversations are about his Mum-mum and Ga (milk). Although... not all conversations but many; It's amazing that he's not asking about it! Well... enjoy the pictures!


Playing with Sissy's "Microphone!"


Here is a picture of Haylee; she is singing with her homemade microphone!She made it herself so don't knock it! This picture just shows the loving person that Miss Hay is; who knows maybe she will be the next BIG rock star!!!


Bible Verses..

JOB 15:9-16

“What do you know that we do not know?
What do you understand that we do not?
“Both the gray-haired and the aged are among us,
Older than your father.
“Are the consolations of God too small for you,
Even the word spoken gently with you?
“Why does your heart carry you away?
And why do your eyes flash,
That you should turn your spirit against God
And allow such words to go out of your mouth? “What is man, that he should be pure,
Or he who is born of a woman, that he should be righteous?
“Behold, He puts no trust in His holy ones,
And the heavens are not pure in His sight; How much less one who is detestable and corrupt,
Man, who drinks iniquity like water!

Mum-Mum Update!

Bennett is doing wonderful without his Mum-Mum! HE has had it; only at night! I think tonight or tomorrow it will be at night too. He went down without a fuss today. So that tells me that he's not missing it as much or at all. This is so AWESOME and exciting! Wish him LUCK! This is a HUGE BIG BOY step! I will update with new pictures as soon as I can!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

my computer and my facebook have been hijacked...

Please know I am not writing that stuff about me! I will be sending my computer in to get fixed. Please ignore what you have read. Understand it is NOT ME!!! I will have the proper people look into this as well!

Monday, January 12, 2009


I finally finished applying to school! I'm so excited! This would be a dream come true! The plus side is it's only a year program! Then I can start working in my field in health care! YAY!!!


Not for this picture! I just thought it was funny! It's totally shows her personality!
Haylee and Grandma had a craft day yesterday! She painted a picture frame and made a clay jar for me! I'm so very proud of her! Tell you the truth .....I couldn't believe she painted the frame wait till you see it! She's an artist!


My can made of clay!! So AWESOME!!!



I have some big news to share! Bennett took a nap yesterday WITHOUT his mum-mum! That's right WITHOUT his mum-mum. For those that don't know what a mum-mum is; it's his pacifier. He has been calling that since he was oh around 6-9 months and it stuck and that is what it's known as around my house! He has been glued to it.

Then the same thing today! No mum-mum when he went down for his nap! I am completely AMAZED at him! He is just growing up SO FAST!!

Love to all,

P.S. I have a new one to post on my darling Hay-Hay as well!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

I direct you too......

Please go to this blog and read the playdate entry! Just click on the link! She wrote it so perfect and it's so cute!
Love you,

Friday, January 9, 2009

From a Friend who is moving...

Thank you! Those words were so kind and made my heart soar! My God Bless you:) Good Luck and have a safe trip and move! Make sure to keep in touch! I'll MISS YOU!!!

You are welcome... I am thinking that with the things life has handed us lately.. that we may not get to see one another.. I just want you to know that you have impacted my life.. the kindness you show towards people.. and your giving spirit really is an inspiration... The lack of "time" we spent together surely did not impact the depth of the person I believe you are...

Keep the faith my friend... Life has good things in store for you.. just seek the truth in life and good things will find you...

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Updates on the kiddo's and I....

The kids and I are doing well. I have a few things to tell you about the kids! Now that the Christmas stuff is finally down; and all the presents Daddy got the kids are out of the packages. I have updates!

Haylee is so LOVING! She is always giving me hugs and kisses. She is in preschool twice a week. I couldn't be more thankful for her teacher! She is wonderful! Haylee loves her! Although, she's pretty unsure of a little boy in her class. She does have a friend she calls her best friend in her class! Which I think is so cute! She is in dance and still loving it. I can't wait for her recital! It will be sooooo cute! The toys she is into right now are her babies. She even gives them baths and puts new clothes on them and they also have to be buckled in the car before we can go anywhere. Such a little Mommy. So also LOVES to build "forts"! She loves her brother even though sometimes sharing is hard! Can you believe she is already 4 1/2? Times goes to fast with little ones!I LOVE YOU HAY-HAY!!!

Bennett Boy! Well... What can I say! He has come out of his shell 100%! He LOVES to kiss me, hug me and NUZZLE me. By nuzzling I mean he will put his face against mine and move his chin back and forth or his forehead! It's so adorable; even though sometimes he can be a little rough! Pry why... my glasses are broken! Oh well! He's showing his love! He's learning new words everyday. Daddy said he even learned some Chinese words last weekend!Such a BIG BOY; that Bennett Boy! He loves to play his main interest is ducks or "GUCKS" I draw them all day for him; then he colors it in. The phone also is a big one. He will get on the play phone and say "Hi" he then proceeds to shake his head in agreement like someone is talking to him. He'll also say yeah and bye! SO ADORABLE!!The last thing would be trucks and cars! We just opened his garbage truck today and he couldn't get enough of it! Bennett thanks Daddy he loves it. Bennett is learning to drink out of a regular cup too! I give him a little water in a cup and he does AWESOME!! We are also starting the potty training; he says he has to poo when he may just have to go potty! We never know what he's gonna do! Haylee also loves to help him! He has a frog potty and he LOVES it! In short, he is meeting and beating several of his developmental milestones! I LOVE YOU B!

I LOVE YOU my friends and faimly that do care and love me! Thank you for being who you are. I LOVE YOU ALL and you know who you are:)

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Check em' out...

Take a look at these boots! I'm sure this is what every woman wanted for Christmas. The store hardly had any left!! They were selling like hot cakes! They remind me of an ugly Christmas sweater gone bad!


Bennett Boy getting a haircut...

I took this picture with my phone! Grandma is cutting his hair! He LOVES to have his hair combed! Look at those brown eyes! They get me everytime! I ADORE YOU B!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Just helpin' a friend out!

I am a neurotic mommy who must have ALL of the pieces that go to our toys at the end of every night. Before Ayla goes to bed we pick up and put things in their proper places....EVERY SINGLE PIECE. I know it's crazy, I know I should let it go but I cannot. Maybe I should see a psychiatrist....I have even been known to throw away toys that are missing pieces. The most recent victim was our "fridge farm" - we were missing the back half of our pig *gasp*
An Amber Alert is being issued tonight at the beautiful Victorian home of the Splonskowski's Loving Family Doll House. "Pink baby" went missing last night shortly after nine. The surrounding areas have been searched and searched again and "Pink baby" is nowhere to be found. Mrs Splonskowski feels that foul play may be involved, Dr Splonskowski feels that Mrs Splonskowski needs to be put on medication and Ayla Splonskowski's only comment was "Pink baby go?" This is the home of the Splonkowski's Loving Doll Family......................... Starting on the left and going clockwise the family is listed Grandpa, Brother, Mom, Dad, Grandma(also holding "Blue baby") and Sister. Their pets - Mommy dog, Daddy dog, Puppies and White cat are also shown.................................................................................

This is the Scene of the crime. "Pink baby" was last seen in her nursery on the third story on the morning of the abduction. The home has been dusted for fingerprints. Current suspects include Ayla and Boston Splonskowski.

This is the close-up of the bed from which "Pink baby" was stolen. It is heartbreaking to see this empty crib..................................................................................................................................

"Pink baby" looks identical to "Blue baby" other than her clothes. She was last seen in a pink footed jumper with short sleeves. She was also holding a bottle in her right hand. She is two inches tall with yellow plastic hair and poseable arms and legs. She is not jointed......................

If you have any information on this case please call the Splonskowski family immediately. Thank you for your concern , will update soon.

Haylee and Bennett's new FAVORITE thing to do...

They use a blanket for a cape! mom gives the kids their haircuts. Thank you Grandma; that saves a lot of money! Plus, the kids LOVE IT!

So... hence the new favorite thing..they like to give each other "haircuts". Using the spray bottle of water and then combing each others hair. It's funny. Haylee always says," Bennett do you want a haircut like Grandma Laurie. The he says," Yeah!"

I've been waiting to get pictures of this for a few days!

Haylee saying," my turn"! Bennett isn't so happy since he LOVES to have his hair combed!

Bennett gives into to Sissy's pressure!

Then he ran into the toy room to get....


These words don't seem like enough.....

I just think that I need to send out some thank yous. I don't want to name any names for protection for them.

I just wanted to say thank you! To my family and friends; I LOVE YOU!! You and my two BEAUTIFUL children mean the world to me. It helps to build me up in positive ways when you say prayers and such nice, caring meaningful words to me. May GOD BLESS YOU! Because of you I am coming out of my shell and becoming the Lindsey that you all know and love. Although it's hard; I'm doing it! I have made the strides I've made because of your love and devotion to me. So I thank you very much for praying for me and being here for me.

This is a very hard post to write; as I write this I am crying my eyes out. I'm just so THANKFUL that you are all here for me in this very trying time in my life. I know with your help I will come out of this a stronger happier person. I LOVE YOU!;)

Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Beginnings...

Well it's 2009; and with that comes some harsh realities. Although, a new beginning as well.

By harsh realities I mean, that my marriage should be dissolved this year. That is an extremely sad situation. When I married him. I stood their in my wedding gown knowing I would be with him forever. Just like my parents. Now knowing I won't crushes me to the core. In a way I'll never be able to explain. The only people that will ever understand are those who have or had the same type of divorce I'm going thru ( read Below) It will feel you in. I'm extremely worried about my babies! I can't imagine what they are going thru. When I think about that, my heart sunks into my stomach and spreads to my arms. It's the worst feeling in the world. I cry for them all the time. I know with time they will be happier again; that's is what Haylee and I pray for every night!

Now the new beginnings,obviously several things will be changing. I do know somewhere in my heart for the better. So here is the list.

1. I want to go back to school for something I've always wanted to do. Which is exciting to me. To be in a job that I LOVE!

2. I will be moving into a new place!

3. I will be on my own and free to do what I want and how I want it!